Babydow face
Babydow face

babydow face babydow face

In any case, his head is positioned at the top of my abdomen, and he is presenting buttocks first, which means his rear end is at the top of my cervix - not ideal for a vaginal birth. We thought that he had been in the ideal head down position for a few weeks now, but either we (including the hospital midwife) were mistaken or he had turned again. Heart rate is good, amniotic fluids look good.and he's breech! This was news to us. But she's postponing that topic to update readers on how the baby is doing these days. Jolivette says she planned to continue writing about how she and her partner Charlyne chose their donor, a story she began telling in her last post. Jolivette first tested out the frozen-veggie technique on her dog. Jolivette sits on a birthing ball and put a frozen bag of corn on the top of her belly, to get the baby to move down.

Babydow face